Outdoor Lead Climbing Weekend - Date TBD! | Thu 06 Jun at 06:06

Participants ? / 16

Outdoor Lead Climbing Weekend - Date TBD!

Do you want to go on an unforgettable climbing adventure? Then sign up for the Jong TNO climbing trip! The trip is suitable for experienced and less experienced outdoor climbers.

Date: To be decided by organisers, in contact with you. The date on the right is just a placeholder.

Note bene:

  • Minimum climbing level: top-rope experience. 

  • We have a form for you to fill out, linked in the e-mail you will receive upon registering. Please fill it out so we can keep track of the group’s experience.

  • Outdoor climbing is significantly different from indoor climbing and quite a bit harder. It is fine if you've never climbed outdoors yet (many of us haven't), but we do require at least indoor top-rope experience and confidence in your own capabilities and - even more importantly - in your own limits.
    We will not be able to guarantee your personal safety, this event is at your own risk. Everyone should have appropriate insurance (make sure it covers outdoor rock climbing-type activities), this is your own responsibility. Following (safety) instructions of the organizers is mandatory.


Location & Time:

The location is still being decided. We plan to go to a crag in Belgium (about a 3-hour drive), but for large groups, permission is needed from the owner of the crag. If we don’t manage to arrange permission, we will divert to Audun-le-Tiche in the north of France (which is a 4-hour drive).

The date will be decided by the organisers together with the group as well. It will be somewhere at the start of summer.

The intention is to arrive on Friday evening at the campsite. We then have a full Saturday and Sunday for climbing and leave for home in the evening on Sunday.


The cost of this trip is limited to mainly camping fees, food, and fuel. Last year this totaled to about €80 per person, but it could turn out to change a bit after the event. We will settle this based on recalculation after the event has taken place.

Packing list:

  • Climbing gear: Harness, shoes, and helmet. For shared gear such as ropes and quickdraws we will provide a sheet to make sure we have enough gear or need to rent some extra.
    If you don't have your own helmet, we can arrange to rent a few. Some of the experienced climbers who join also have helmets that can be borrowed.

  • Camping gear: Tent (or share a tent with someone else on the trip), sleeping bag, mattress, etc.

If you don’t have some of the required things, we will set up a chat group with everyone to make sure everyone is provided. 

If you are on the reserve list, we will contact you later to see if we can accommodate a few more climbers.

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact the organizers.

* We have a limited number of spots available for people without climbing experience. So even as a beginner, you are more than welcome. To make climbing fun for everyone, we require you to fill out a small form, so we have an overview of the group’s experience. Based on this, the group will be composed and will consist of at most 20 people. Make sure to register for the event even if the interest list is “full”. This way, we ensure an unforgettable and safe experience for everyone.

  Thu 06 Jun 06:06 - 06:06
  Thu 06 Jun 06:06

 Belgium or Audun-le-Tiche

 0.00 (non-member)