ICA - Lunch Learners : Surrounded by Idiots | Online | Thu 25 Apr at 12:00

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ICA - Lunch Learners : Surrounded by Idiots | Online


! This is an ICA event, sign up via the ICA website: 

ICA Young Professionals - Lunch Learners : Surrounded by Idiots

Do you ever think that you are the only one who is normal and who can think logically? Or have you tried to reason along with your partner with poor results? You are not alone. Surrounded by idiots is about understanding how people work and why we sometimes have problems with some people and not others. It provides a simple and groundbreaking method to connect with these different personalities in your private and professional life, based on our personalities (red, blue, green and yellow). It gives us insights into how to speak appropriately and share information. This presentation will help you with your communication and social skills, how to resolve conflicts, how to deal with the dynamics in your team and how to get the best out of your colleagues. It also shares simple tricks about body language, written communication, and when to dodge or not. This book will help you understand the influence of the people around you, even people you can't stand right now. And with a little luck, you can be sure that you are not the idiot yourself!

Interested? Register now, and learn!

Note that the actual book itself will not be provided, and also won't be needed for this event.


12:00-12:10 Welcome & introduction

12:10-12:50 Interactive Presentation of the Book: Surrounded by Idiots

12:50 - 13:00 Q&A

Language: English

Please do note that we do expect you to attend the event if you register; given the limited amount of slots and to also optimise the experience for other participants as well as our presenters.

"What is ICA?"

The Inter Company Association consists of 50 organisations in the Netherlands. As a member of Jong TNO, all ICA events are FREE! This is because Jong TNO pays a yearly membership for our organisation as a whole. Just take 10 seconds to make an account on ICA.nl with your TNO email address, and have a blast at all the free ICA events! 🥳

If you have any queries about the event, or if you are interested in organising an event with the ICA network, please reach out to Saarang Gaggar.

  Thu 25 Apr 12:00 - 13:00
  Wed 24 Apr 17:00

