Potluck Dinner | Utrecht | Sun 19 Jun at 16:00

Participants ? / 30

Potluck Dinner | Utrecht

What better way to spend your evening than sharing stories and cultures through home-made food? Join us for the potluck dinner in the Cafe de Stadsgenoot, in the city center, and catch up with colleagues over some bites and drinks. The first few drinks will be paid by Jong TNO!

For those who have never heard of a potluck dinner before, it's a dinner where everyone brings a dish of food to be shared with the group. Guests may bring any dish - from appetizers, to main courses, to desserts!

If you have any dietary preferences or allergies, do not fret - we'll try to take these into account. In case you are really in doubt, feel free to shoot us an email.

Hope to see you there!

  Sun 19 Jun 16:00 - 22:00
  Fri 17 Jun 20:00

 Cafe de Stadsgenoot, Breedstraat 8, 3512 TW Utrecht

 0.00 (non-member)